Saturday, 27 November 2010

Omnipresent footie

A few more posts to catch up on the Morocco trip. Back in Toronto, we are actually preparing for Sophie's Little Grey Rabbit birthday party this afternoon. 7 munchkins and lots of games and cake.

The first thing we bought on arrival in Morocco - and the last thing we gave away - was a football. Everywhere we went Sebastian had something to do and within oh, 3 minutes, someone to play with. It was fantastic. Girls played. Boys played. Men stopped and took a turn to show off.

One time, he asked me to come out and play in the alley. I had to pack, so I sent him off alone and sure enough when I poked my head outside the riad 5 minutes later, he was playing a game with 6 other children. In fact, Sophie said that the best thing about Morocco is that there were lots of children. Our Toronto street looks even less appealing in that light.

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Life is good

Life is good