Monday, 27 August 2012

The family wedding (Summer update part 2)

 The summer trip started off with family wedding and 90th birthday party in New Brunswick. I have been to a family 90th and to a 100th, but weddings didn't happen much in my family. Not just because we were immigrants but because of few cousins and even fewer marri-ers. So I was tickled that my kids would get one under their belts (or skirts).
Her first hairdo

impressive! They didn't quite last the night...

Kong-fu girl straight out of the hairdresser's chair ;)

The lovely setting of the reception

Our fancypants duo admiring the love birds

petting the lovebirds

The other lovebirds
The weekend was about these 2 Crawleys

and they had a blast!

Sophie thought the bride was just like a princess
Our blue-eyed Crawleys in blue

I think we stayed too late; here my beloved's cousin Chris is advising our 8 year old on how to catch the toss (there was a garter involved at some point)

trying to get out the door before more corruption of impressionable minds!!

whoops, snap one with the grandparents too!

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Life is good

Life is good