Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Nothing beats home grown (Summer Update - part 3)

Siblings that share a cob stay teeth-pickers together

As many of you know, we have a wee kitchen garden in Toronto. It is a source of learning and fresh herbs and thrives despite us - at least most of the plants do. We have never had luck with corn. Until this year. The kids planted 6 stalks and they all took. I insisted that we pick one ear mid-July when we left on our big annual trip as usually they have withered on our return. We transported it to New Brunswick where the kids shucked it and shared it. DEEElicious, they pronounced (So we emailed our tenant and neighbours and told them to pick the rest post-haste).

Returning to the house in late August, we have a forest of tomato plants out back, with some basil peeking through.

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Life is good

Life is good