Thursday, 30 August 2012

First week or so of village life (Summer Update Part 8)

 Mixture of new adventures and tried and true delights

Annual carousel ride
Isn't he getting a bit big?!

Next to the newly pruned rose bush that thrives despite us
In Perigueux at the world's largest Mime Festival (we thought it was a good way to ease Sophie into being in France)
checking out the programme of events

A miming marching band - those wacky Dutch!!

Finger footie c/o Zia Lynn and Leo who had saved them just for us from babybel cheese!

Stumbled across this restaurant. Every week, my love buys a roast chicken at our market

Amazingly, I don't have any photos of one of the most important aspects  of our stay. Seb had his own bike! And with it, the freedom of the village and all the independence that goes with it. With a friend, he was even allowed to cross the 'ring road' and cycle in the school yard/car park. He just had to swing by to check in with a parent every half an hour when our church bells toll. For the first 10 days, he would dart off to one of the cafe-bars (a whole minute's cycle), prop up his bike and through the window, watch the Olympics on their tv! After 3 or 4 days of this, he was confident enough to slip in and sit at a back table. Once we found out, we started frequenting the cafe for drinks!

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Life is good

Life is good