Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Still scrubbin' up o.k.

Last week was the year-end party at that place where M hangs out most days. He wears a suit to work now, so not much extra effort was undertaken.

But me? I went at least 8 of the whole 9 yards - had my hair coiffed and nails laquered, new blouse to hide (or highlight) middle-age. Donned my beautiful gifted earrings and some once a year mascara!

It was a fine evening, even though we won nothing in the draw/auction, and we both acknowledged that we are bad at this schmoozing thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Schmoozing may not be your thing but smooching sure is! Well done you two, you both look great!
- Lynn

Life is good

Life is good