Sunday, 5 December 2010

Those lazy grandparents

Some people might think that when they have worked for 35 years and raised 2 kids, they would be entitled to a little relaxation when they retire (and some respect from the next generation).

Not round here. As soon as George and Lorraine arrive (almost always under their own steam from the airport), the to-do list comes out. George cooks, dashes to the store for every little thing our cupboards lack, and tackles tasks round the house that have been lingering, shall we say. Lorraine does laundry, reads endlessly to the children, whips up complicated party cakes. And neither says a word about the general lack of order or cleanliness in our home (at least, not in our hearing).

And then we take photos of them in their pjs and post them on the family blog. (We do respect other visitors' privacy, I promise).

Thanks Nana and Gramps for all your help and happiness, and happy birthday Nana!

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