Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Spring has sprung in Toronto

The nation's weather watchers say that winter is over and it sure felt like it today in Trinity Bellwoods park. Some tennis, a picnic, bike-riding. Wow.


M and m said...

Hi guys! If you want spring, you need only to come out to Vancouver. The blossoms are out in full, and running in the morning offers up lovely vistas of puffy white branches. Aren't you overdue for a visit? We miss you!

just us said...

We wanted to come this week for March break. But no moula. But some of my invoices will turn into cash any day and there are two irons in the fire (Pakistan and Haiti), so hopefully we can start building a travel fund over the summer. That said, still have to get 4 tix to Issigeac... Might need to get some points-tickets happening.
And besides, YOU were supposed to come here this spring!

M and m said...

This is true, Jo, but spring is not over yet, is it???

Life is good

Life is good