Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Things that slip past a working-travelling mother

If I am the glue, then sometimes, just sometimes, it doesn't set hard and fast enough.

While I was gone on my Asia trip, we lost:
2 pairs of Seb's mitts (one as eventually found at someone else's house)
a fancy pen that I had just given Seb at New Year's
the medical insurance cards

Somewhere between yesterday and today, we all (Carrie, M, me) collectively failed to register that it was 'photo day' at Sophie's daycare today. One is supposed to dress in bright colours, brush one's hair and be sure to have no cat scratches on one's face or something.

Well, at least her dress was bright (even if too short/small and her tights didn't match the outfit). I arrived just as Seb was ominiously paged to come to the school office. It turns out - rather sweetly - that they invite big siblings down from their classrooms to do a second shot with the baby of the family. So moments later, he showed up for the photo shoot - even if his hair was sticking up and he had an old shirt on!


wordswords said...

Those photos are always staged, phoney, and poorly shot anyway. Good for them for adding some character.

just us said...

That's pretty much what we had decided, as we embarked on paenting school-aged children. But there's that pressure from other parents in the school/daycare and the relatives who oh and ah over every shot - no matter how bad. So one advantage of homeschooling is no overly formalised school photos.

I am amazed that they still exist in this day of digital photography. Must be the power of the grad shot!

I really appreciate that at both of Seb's schools the policy has been that everyone gets the class photo for free, and as a parent it is fun now - and in 15 years - to have everyone's beaming faces captured in one place. Plus, it makes for memorable fashion moments!

Life is good

Life is good