Tuesday, 30 March 2010

One did but couldn't; the other didn't but could

Ah, the great dilemma of getting the kids to school when they don't really want to go and stopping them when they do but shouldn't.

Seb woke up today and declared he was not going to school. Social dynamics have been going much better this last month - and he didn't identify that anyone was bothering him. In fact, he had some nifty toys to play with at recess. He didn't have a test. He just wanted to stay in bed, well, maybe in the house. He suddenly 'realised' that he needed to make the house ready for our visitors this afternoon. Hmm, something smells and I never got to the bottom of it. After, purposefully missing the bus and with some tough love, he gobbled down breakfast and walked to school with his dad. Bet that it felt like a long way.

I did get to the root of the other smelly thing - poor Sophie had thrown up early in the morning. We had heard her cry out once but since her sleep is sometimes restless and she settles immediately, we hadn't got up to check. She proceeded to put her face down on the vomity pillow and her arms on the vomity sheet and go back to some semblance of sleep. (Need to ponder what that tells us of her character. Any thoughts?)

When she got up - and bathed - she wanted to go to school (not as boisterously as usual). Sometimes, it can be just a quick tummy upset and nothing. But within 30 mins, it was clear that she was a bit listless and had complained of a tummy ache - though honestly, every part of her body can ache in a given minute if you ask her. She would stay home with me.

She threw up again part way through my teleconference ('Glue' is my new middle name) and is now asleep on the sofa near the computer - lying on an easy to refresh towel. I am into the 2nd load of laundry.

Kicker is that on the day that Sophie has her second in a lifetime tummy bug, we have friends and their 8 month old daughter arriving to stay for 3 weeks...

Aren't you honestly glad that there are no photos today?

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Life is good