Tuesday, 13 January 2009

It brought a tear to my eye.

It's no surprise that Seb loves "treats to eat" - candy, cake, chips, french fries, etc. Tonight, I threw a couple of fries/chips in the toaster oven to accompany our mains (chicken with spinach sauce and steamed broccoli). Seb was promised the longest one (a tradition of unknown meaning or origin) and several others when he had finished his meal.

His sister roared through broccoli and 2 helpings of chicken, and wolfed down her few chips. After 20 minutes (...), her brother got his treat. He saved the 2nd longest for last.

Sophie looked at it longingly and said: Mamma, more chiiiiiiiips.

Me: There are no more chips, love. Seb has the last one, so you have to ask him.

Sophie: Sebba, please chip.

Seb: Ok. I'll break it in 1/2 (does so and measures it). Do you want the bigger or smaller piece?

Sophie: smaller

Seb: ok (hands it to her and they both munch away in contented harmony)

Meanwhile I wipe away the tears and try to suppress the swelling of my heart.

PS I don't tell you about the times that he makes his little sister squeal or takes it upon himself to discipline her by giving her a time out.

PPS We were also told that whenever we have somewhere to go and Gramps and Nana take care of them, they eat fries in a restaurant. And you thought you could hide it, G&L. Your "treat sins" will find you.

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Life is good