Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Last weekend - she wrapped it up

Girl has been attending a monthly Girls in STEM program at U of T. They do a full day workshop in May and so she and Sidonie spent the day with a range of career scientists, all women.

I bribed her to ask a question about a possible career in science. It went something like this:
"My mum says that I am very observant. I can't imagine standing around and looking at worms for hours and days [key note was a biologist who uses worms as study sample in her world-renowned lab]. How else might I use my observation skills for a career in science?"

Her favourite session was "how to network" - the most interpersonal session one could choose! I don't see her peering down a microscope or mixing formulas. But you never know. 11 is very far from 30!

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Life is good

Life is good