Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Young script writer at work

The last unit in ESA Grade 9 drama is ancient Greek theatre. After doing some historical & technical lessons, each student has to submit a 12 min play. The teacher shortlists 6 and the students chose 2 to stage in mid-June. Seb has taken to it like a duck to water: researching, drafting, voicing it, timing it, revising it, commenting on the work of classmates, taking on board feedback. He just doesn't quite want to turn Achilles into a woman - which what his teacher and several of us think would modernize the play. I hope to share it with you as it really plays to his strengths of oral communication, short bursts of writing, vivid and evocative language, and all about Greek mythology!! And he sweetly has set it on the island we visited 2 years ago,

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