Saturday, 27 July 2013

Our last weeks in Canada (part 2)

After Montreal, it was back home to move out from our home of 5+ years. The plan was for me to take the children camping with some friends, while dear old Dad packed up the last of the house.

Except for a short but windy rainstorm, we had good weather and only had to contend with the bugs. We were right on Lake Ontario, which was just gorgeous, even though we faced parked cars in the other direction. 
Our super-sized, suburban monster tent

Frolicking in Lake Ontario

Someone loves marshmallows

but brushes her teeth well

My kids only ate fruit of course

riding some tree horses

Last days of the floppy fringe/bangs

Doesn't let the lack of a swim suit stop her from plunging in

happy we headed home
Where the packing was proceeding at full tilt
But we had time for a lovely farewell party in the park 
which included friends making peanut-free cupcakes spelling  out "Goodbye Seb and Sophie"

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Life is good

Life is good