Tuesday, 13 March 2012

March B-R-E-A-K - Day 3

Monday was so busy I barely took photos.

In the morning, we all headed to Value Village to pillage their second hand bookshelves. $75 later, we came home with about 2 dozen books, 2 pairs of pants (1 funky striped pair of cords for Sophie and 1 significantly less funky pair of jeans for her dad), and "Horse-opoly" (think monopoly but horse-themed).

Sitting on our steps were the first 3 fellow theatre-goers (they were 14 minutes early). Off we went as a group, to join others from Seb's class at a terrific production of the Neverending Story. And then 7 of the kids came home to play!!

Meanwhile, Sophie had a lovely time playing at the park and home with 2 younger sibs.

So come to think of it, there were 10 kids rampaging around the top floor on Monday afternoon. Perhaps you could hear them?

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Life is good

Life is good