Monday, 28 March 2011

March Break = Treats!

What a wonderful time in BC, seeing friends and family and old sights. The kids had a lovely time reconnecting with family friends whom they haven't seen for 4 years, and got on splendidly with their cousins. Auntie Jeet and the Clang-clang aunties were the hostesses withe mostes.

The adults had a lovely wine pour at Kate's and everyone enjoyed the games night on the kids' last evening, izzle. There were special cookies and gifts, the water taxi across False Creek, a brunch place with a play kitchen, a bird sanctuary in the rain (but with rellies and brollies), a Munsch musical, and a meal to co-celebrate 18 years deep. (and yes, the kids flew first class out there - luck of the stand-by draw)

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Life is good

Life is good