Thursday, 9 December 2010

A visit to Sick Kids makes you grateful

We have made several visits to Sick Kids Hospital over the past 30+ months of living in this affluent city. We have visited the ER and the labs, the allergy unit and the respiratory specialists; oh and dermatology too.

I never fail to be impressed by its professionalism and skill. I know other professionals critique some of its ways of working and no doubt those insights are right some of the time. But as a lay person, I am so appreciative of being able to access this wealth of skill and information - and for my lowly tax dollars.

I sit here (at our new card table) and glance down at the lab test requisition sheet that Seb was given yesterday.

Cystic Fibrosis
Bronchiolitis Obliterans
Pulmonary Fibrosis

Only Asthma is ticked. And my throat wells up at the thought of the other child patients - ones with many ticks - and of the fortitude that they and their families need to get through a regular day.

Turns out that while Seb has asthmatic episodes (always linked to colds), he has perfect lung capacity (he can snort like a bull and puff like a dragon). We will need to tune our parental ears to the wheeze because he doesn't need to start puffers at every sniffle that comes along.

I am grateful and I will remember that next time he takes all his breath and yells at me in anger.

I am so happy for him that as he races through childhood he can add so much breath to the wind.

1 comment:

M and m said...

I can't imagine what parents go through. Just. can't. imagine. Love to you all!

Life is good

Life is good