Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Is there an L in SOPHIE?

I was in class with our kindergartner last week, cross-legged on the floor mat in front of her teacher.

Sophie is learning to spell. She is starting with her name. Seems like a good place to begin.

Teacher: If you have an R in your name, you can now go and play.

Kids pile off the mat leaving 9 or so children.

Sophie (starts spelling her name on her fingers). I don't have an R.

Teacher: (Catches her eye) No you don't, Sophie. Pause. If you have an A in your name, you can go off to play.

More kids pile off the mat, leaving just a handful of classmates.

Sophie (despite having done it, oh, 40 seconds earlier, spells off her name again on her fingers; looks up). I don't have an A.

Teacher: If you have an S in your name, you can go and play.

Sophie (beaming) I have an S!

Me? I was silently cracking up.


M and m said...

Very cute! She's such a smarty pants!

wordswords said...

Perfect story. Loved it.

just us said...

Dave - could of been one of yours. Thought that as I adopted your script format . Hope I wrote it as well, though.

Life is good

Life is good