Thursday, 17 September 2009

Oh what a beautiful day!

What a terrific day. Not ony were we blessed with glorious September weather - slightly cool in the morning and evening but warm through the day with brilliant sunshine - but many happy things occurred.

So what that Seb was a grumpy puss as he got ready for school (More on that soon, really soon I promise). He got there on time with all his bits and bobs.

Sophie and Jo then made grape juice from our vine. We shared it with our nearish neighbours, Priya and Rowan who came over for a girls' playtime. A friendship of 2 year olds is blossoming.

Then Dad came home (as he was working nights and had an early dental appt) and we picked sweet, red cherry tomatoes. He made rissotto and we enjoyed it together in the garden, basking in the sun.

Sophie then put her daddy down for a nap, or something. M managed to surface and we actually had 20 minutes of uninterrupted conversation that included
a) helping Seb make friends at his new school and
b) agreeing that we would find the money to take an immediate part-time spot in the French language daycare.

M ticked off a few tasks before meeting a now happy Seb (who has a newly appointed "best friend" who he had known for oh, 10 minutes). Together they went to the park to meet up with dear Kai and his family.

While the Sophster napped, I secured the daycare spot. Then I turned my mind to work. It's been awhile since any paying work was completed. There is a recession out there, boys & girls. Yesterday, a gig that I had been approached about fell through. Nothing on the horizon.

So I stuck my oar out and sent off a "hi, how are things" e-mail to an old contact. No request for work - just an "I'll be in town soon" sort of thing. 5 minutes later he had called and asked me to do a desk-based project in October for 2 grand. Nice. That pays for daycare for 3+ months and hopefully a big, joint birthday bash for the kids.

Sophie woke just in time for us to head to Dufferin Grove market and rendez-vous with not only our relatives but 10 friends that we had planned on seeing and another 10 or so that we just bumped into (gotta love that community market). Sticky buns were had by all, as well as a lot of sand in the hair and dirt on the face.

Rowan has a near and dear playmate; (another) Sebastian is 2 too and lives just a few doors down (he even has a teeny brother like her). But Sophie may get her chance at a near and dear too. On the way home from the park, we finally met some of our new neighbours. A lesbian couple with their almost 3 year old son have moved in down the block. Sophie could just walk to his place next month (ok maybe in 2 years). They seem really interesting and "good neighbours" fixing up their home and all. We look forward to getting to know them and the women across from them (who were headed out on a scavenger hunt with friends and babies). The big question is who will move in directly across from us and when.

By the time we made it home, we were tired and dirty and hungry. So what better than (please don't faint dear Italian friends) pizza in the tub.

Worked liked a charm and the kids were out like a light at 8.30 - bit late but very happy and squeaky clean.

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Life is good

Life is good