It must be fall. Time not for death and dying and fading away, but for new beginnings and adventures and a sense of hope and optimism, especially if one has a school-aged family.
Over in London, our friend Katy is heading back to work full-time after 10 months of maternity leave; baby Hannah is going to be cared for by dad and brother Ben is off to a new school as a big boy.
Up in Orillia, the 2 year old twins have started nursery school and their baby sister Zoe is on her way soon.
Over in PEI, young Henry is now a Beaver. The cutest little Beaver that ever was - barring his dad who was one and is now a Beaver leader.
Here in Toronto, Ali & Dan have moved to town so big boy Sam can have an "alternative" public schooling; lots of Seb's & Sophie's playmates have started daycare or full-time school; neighbour Jenny has headed back to work 80% of the time; while near neighbour Priya is headed back to work in 3 weeks as her mat leave ends.
All of our peers combed through the Parks & Rec "Fun Guide", filling in the registration forms and paying our money to have the children in various extra-curricular activities. We wait for yet another sign of autumn, the start of the lessons; for us, it is crafts and swimming for Sophie and ballet, music and swimming for Sebastian.
And so, as befits this season of the year and of our lives, there are also big changes here at the wedgleys.
Two weeks ago, Sebastian started a new school and became a full-time schoolboy. Our lives now start an hour earlier in the rush to get him out of the house. The pace and stress set the day off to such a different start. Oh, the classes seem fine but it's the social pecking order and playground rules that are proving to be bruising (to him and me).
My lovely man started a new job (a promotion!) on Monday. He wears a jacket and tie most days. Yes, you heard me right. A jacket and tie. So we had to shell out for a suit - well, a two for one deal and all (anyone got spare ties? who wants to pay $65 a pop???). The up side is that he is better groomed, the hours are more regular and only weekdays which is good for the family. Plus he only has to take one streetcar to get to the new worksite. But there go Sunday evenings (what with the shoe polishing and beard trimming and shirt ironing [double ugh] and struggling to figure out what goes with what...).
And then poof, our little poppet grew up (into a Superhero).
She has been clamouring for "her own school" for the past 6 weeks. Lo and behold, on Tuesday her name came up for a part-time spot at the French language daycare. So we said yes. She will attend Monday-Friday 8.30-11.30, so even more rush in the morning. When I am not working on a contract, we will be a little more relaxed about attendance. But we hope that she will thrive with the attention of other adults and playmates, build her French and her independence. She seems so ready socially. She was very excited this afternoon - new school (je vais a l'ecole, Sebby) AND new shoes!
And me, I mosie along. I hope to pick up some contracts, push the boat out professionally by doing some reading/writing/speaking, and continue on as the family glue as my love has been known to call me. I think that was a compliment. At least I hope it was.
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