Monday, 31 August 2009

Grandparent Camp 2009

The food was great, the activities awesome, but the kids really really loved the camp counsellors. They can't wait to go back next summer!

You take a warm pool of relatives

Add a deck of toys

Go to a museum to learn about whales (and go driving)

Down side is you have to wear a party frock sometimes.

But you get to dress like a pirate and steer the ship

Hoist the sail

And pick your nose

Arrgh matey, that's what grandparent camp is about.

Friday, 28 August 2009

The Return


The clash of lifestyles was apparent the moment the children barrelled in the door, stormed the stairs and crashed into my arms at 7.43 a.m. All energy and excitement and VOLUME. Someone had definitely turned the volume down during their 8 day absence and the kids intrinsically operate on a different setting.

They were excited to tell me about the Cheesies and cookies and chips that they had eaten at Vacation Bible Camp (and we thought our kids could get through the week church-free because they weren't with Lorraine on the Sunday...) and about the wright whale and baby they had seen from a boat, and, and, and.

Germs. One forgets about them easily. But the kids left for NB at the tail end of a sniffle and Sebastian has returned with a new one.

Laundry. There was none in the suitcase. Lorraine had whipped those dirty clothes into shape in her new fancy-dancy laundry room. As for us, we slovenly parents were running out clean clothes as we hadn't done the laundry once all week.

There were however - despite my best efforts - new clothes in that same suitcase. "But Lorraine" I said on unfolding the 4th set of new clothes, "I thought new clothes were for their birthdays [which are only a few months away]". "Oh no" says their Nana " I have their birthday outfits for them too. These are the sale items".

We are undecided on whether "please and thank you" counts have decreased. We definitely note that "Can you help me eat?" requests from Sophie now occur at every meal. So someone was babying her in NB, George.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Childfree 2009 (Day 7)

The childfree balloon is starting to deflate. I woke up and wished that our poppets were tucked into their beds in the room next door. But instead they were miles away basking in grandparental adoration.

Instead, I had a long work call where I did not fear if 80 minutes of TV was warping my children's minds or if Sophie would appear any moment at my knee and announce in a very loud voice that she had poopy.

I picked cherry tomatoes off the vine and didn't have to share them.

I was a lady who lunched with my dear school chum and imminent novelist, Lisa Pasold.

I organised the long-neglected papers in my office, interspersed with surfing the net.

And finally, I headed off along Dundas St. for 90 minutes of uninterrupted time to wander the halls of the renovated Art Gallery for Ontario - for free. As my friend Colin said at the crowds "Whoever knew that there were so many freeloaders in Toronto!" Mind you, he is freeloader #1 as it was his 3rd free Wednesday.

One more day to go. What will we get up to? Any suggestions?

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

No, no and no (probably part 1)

Go ahead and say that I'm sticking my head in the sand. Call me a luddite (but I am not as brave as them). I do not carry a cell phone (though sure they come in handy, especially given the vanishing phone booth and how unfriendly people are when you ask if you could use their landline) and I sure as heck am going to fight a culture that believes my pre-teen should carry one.


Childfree 2009 (Day 6)

A mix of a day to be honest. We focused on some family issues first thing in the morning, I got my hair "done", and then re-organised my desk papers in the late afternoon.

The kids called to excitedly relay that they had gone out on the Bay of Fundy and seen a Wright whale with its young. Sophie slept through most of it. But hey, she still got a turn sailing the ship and touching the starfish and having her face painted. Photos are forthcoming I am told.

But Seb realised suddenly that he missed us. Despite all the excitement and fun, he wanted a bit of home time. So he and Sophie reached across the miles and we had a huggle. That will have to do until Friday - because it turns out that flights are really full all day Thursday - at least that's George's story and he is sticking to it.

Back at the ranch, our stay-in-and-do-chores evening was a non-starter with yet another discussion on where Seb should go to school, followed by yummy delux pasta from the freezer, and M falling asleep on the couch...

Today will be better - I am talking work first thing, lunching with an up and coming novelist, and taking in the AGO during its free Wednesday evenings.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Childfree 2009 (Day 5)

Painted and painted and painted my teeny tiny office. Whoever knew that 5' X 6' with 2 doors and 3 windows could ever use up so much paint! But I needed to banish real estate taupe. Enter white walls with a purply-fuschia and caribbean blue bookcase!

My desk is empty, my shelves are bare, the build-in under the stairs is almost done and thus can take all the family stuff from my professional orbit. It feels like a whole new start to work. Now, I just need to find some!

But all was not chores. We did dine out with friends, supping on Japanese Ra-men (I had a delicious Japanese omlette) and then Baskin Robbins to go.

My dad was reflecting on the time that both my sister and I went off to sleep-away camp simultaneously. We were obviously older and time warps memories because he thought it was 3 weeks but I think it was only a week or perhaps 2. Anyway, he said that my parents went out every night. For the first week. And then got bored and felt a little lost.

I have to admit that I don't feel like I am adrift. I do feel like going out every night is boring and that we need to crack on and do "stuff" around the house. That dear readers is the goal (amongst some family-related tasks) of Day 6.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Childfree 2009 (Day 4)

Sunday was a slower day - but not much. Our noisy neighbours woke us up a tad earlier than we had hoped. But we used the day to good affect - a 2 hour dim sum stuffed with shellfish (we did allow a child to attend this event but she is only one month old and wisely slept through the whole thing), a leisurely stroll home along Dundas St., loads of chores around the house (cull, cull, cull while the kids are absent and paint paint paint while the going is good), pan-fried squid for dinner, followed by some late night reading.

Busy week ahead - Monday night dinner out with friends, Tuesday night home for final push on the chores list, Wednesday free night at the AGO, Thursday kids are back and we have a dinner invitation en famille, Friday we meet up with the latest addition to TO (friends from New Brunswick who are moving here to attend the new alternative school. They're committed!) and head to the Italian consulate for free opera on the grass, and then a weekend away at a neighbour's cottage.

What, no time for a summer blockbuster? Trying to pack it all in before school starts and summer ends (it definitely feels that way around).

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Final snaps from Europe

More shots of children happily holidaying in Europe. A few days ago, Seb announced that France is better than Toronto because the latter is too loud. But just after we got back, he stated that 7 weeks away was too long. With a bit of tweaking, we will get the balance just right.

Just beside the basin where Auntie Roberta's boat is moored is an urban nature centre. Very urban, as the Eurostar trains rumble along across the road. And yet it is idyllic. Here Sebastian is showing the pond skimmer kit.

Come along with me and explore nature. (The backpack held all his cabin boy kit for his night on Auntie R's boat).

Dad and his daughter ponder the pond.

The children and our neighbour Nour having a well-earned treat to drink at Bonaguil castle.

So happy together...............

Who is a handsome chap?

Best buddies - at least for the month of July!

They've still got blue eyes.

Childfree 2009 (Day 3)

OK, so we are really building up some steam now. After a long, late, eggy breakfast, we made a shopping list and headed to St Lawrence Market. We went to both buildings (and spent all of our money) and sampled and chatted and pondered and squeezed. We also perused a remainders bookshop. We wandered happily for 3 whole hours.

We are always impressed by that neighbourhood and had even contemplated buying a condo there way back when; who knows maybe we will retire there (we even discussed the etiquette of how many months have to go by after your last child flies the coop before you can put your home on the market!).

Then it was home to cook and cook we did. The menu was:

* green apple martinis
* 3 kinds of vegetarian terrine on crackers (bought)
* chilled almond soup (yummy with a hint of garlic)
* scallop rissotto with cherry tomatoes and creamy basil pesto (double yum with our homegrown toms and basil)
* spinach and water chestnut salad with Mary's stolen dressing (sweet and crunchy)
* raspberry fluff, strawberry shortcake, or brownie for dessert from (you guessed it) She Takes the Cake
* wine throughout and tisane to end off the soiree

We spent 5 hours in the company of another couple without interruptions! And we only talked about our collective children half the time! It was past 1 when we hit the sack with no worries about what the morning might bring.

And here we are, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for our next meal with friends - dim sum.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Family ties

Much as we love our UK friends (see earlier post), much of each visit is about seeing and being seen by the "rellies".

Here the children are in awe of their older cousin Madeline as she tosses a water balloon at her brother, Eric. The Brighton cousins were their usual kind selves having collected together a number of age-appropriate books from their shelves to pass on to us (plus some wonderful British tea towels). A notion was floated that we might see them in North America in 2010!

Sidcup station has seen many family farewells. Here is the latest with Auntie Elisabeth and Uncle Keith

Auntie Liz takes Sophie on a tour of the garden (where she was allowed to chase the pigeons...

and they both derived delight in comparing their colourful boots).

Auntie R & Sophie have a cuddle

and a laugh!

Childfree 2009 (Day 2)

Day 2 was much more in-keeping with the fantasies I have been harbouring for months.

I took in my friend Mona's practice defence of her dissertation. (Never in a million years could one do that with either or my two poppets). I am in awe and went home to research whether I should head back to grad school.

I wandered home taking the long route.

I met up for drinks with M and then ate a pile of sushi with shellfish.

Yum! and it seems all is quiet on the eastern front too.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Filling in the blanks - the UK week

With very little to-do, here are the missing photos of the things we got up to the week we camped out at Katy & Babush's home in south London. Thanks for the hospitality, K&B&B&H (you should try ours some time).

Seeing Zia Maria (and her baby in hiding) in Oxford.

She took us to this wonderfully tranquil and beautiful cafe run by a mental health NGO.

It's right in Oxford but you would never know it.

Meanwhile, Seb joined Ben at "footie camp" for 3 hours every day. In case you are wondering, that's some kind of crazy chip in the shape of an "O" that Seb has placed on his finger. I assure you that healthier food was also consumed. They were hungry.

Yikes, please no girly girl...

Sebastian assumes the correct pose for eating an ice cream on a hot day.

Sophie wants to grow a moustache. (Phew, no girly girl afterall!)

The annual BBQ/summer party at the St Pancras Cruising Club.

Where they have a plastic model canal system - complete with locks - for children.

Sophie joins the hoardes of commuting Londoners.

We have long adored Quentin Blake's work, so what a delight to find a hoarding devoted to his zany, lovable art. A mischievous schoolboy.

A mummy dressing her poppet.

The dads look pleased to be together and despite their expressions, the girls (Amara - just a couple of months younger than Soph and ever so bright/ "eveillee") got on smashingly too.

It was an utter treat to discover that our week in London overlapped with Wendy Carter's 5 hour trip across the capital. So she got to hang out with 3 Wedge women at once (RW was the photographer)!

This clip ("Sophie's free ride") took 22 minutes to upload. I kid you not. But it is worth it.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Childfree 2009 (Day 1)

So the bodies were bathed and the nails cut (whoops forgot that part) before Gramps rolled in last night to scoop up our two very excited children. The suitcase was very, very full because we must not let a chink of clothing need in or the Alward clan will buy even more for the kids! The children have hot weather gear, cold/fog weather gear - it is the Bay of Fundy - rain gear - see previous comment - swim gear, party clothes, knock-about clothes.

Sebastian has been telling "everyone" that he is going whale-watching for over a week. While Sophie has been caught up with the thrill and confusion at the notion of going to Gramps and Nana's for days. It hit its peak last night when upon George's arrival she burst into tears to learn that he was staying the night and that they wouldn't leave till this morning! He took the tears in stride.

6.15 a.m. is always a blur to me but they got out the door on time (it is George afterall). Just before leaving, Sophie kissed me copiously and Seb grabbed handfuls of story books from the bookcases, pressing them into my arms and saying that I could read any of his books while he was away. They sang "So Long, Farewell" as the car pulled away.

I have already received a phone call from Sophie who reported that she ate "bear paws" (allergen free chocolate chip cookies) on the plane and saw "the baby" (10 1/2 month old cousin Annabel). Seb was playing a game with his little cousin Addie in the basement. The meeting of minds (and egos) between him and his 5 year old cousin Alex had yet to occur. I am sure it will be loud and fun and stormy and hilarious and crazy and touching all at once.

As for how I/we plan to fill this rather silent and laid-back 7 days (ok M is working but still), there are many ideas: allergen-laden dining into the wee hours, live entertainment, uninterrupted conversations, a little bit of work "stuff" (writing a summary, drumming up work, organising my digital files, organising - and painting - my mini office) and a very long list of household repairs/chores (ranging from more hooks on our porch to hang Seb's pottery windchimes to culling from/re-organising the storage area in the basement to having the pipes into the house replaced to replacing our overly expensive phone/internet service provider). Fun, right?

Unfortunately, I have spent much of day one trying to sleep off a headache. But around 4 pm after 2 naps, one latte, one brownie that oozed chocolate, some humid sunshine, a headache tablet and 2 glasses of water, I feel 85%. And so on to a fine evening with my love.
I promise to get some photos up over the week too for those non-New Brunswickers who follow the blog.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sophie says

Most 2 and 3/4 year olds want to ditch their afternoon naps. Most parents of 2 and 3/4 year olds desperately cling to the notion of napping or at least "quiet time". Well, today Sophie demonstrated her will and her wit.

Despite the heat and her dad reading to her and assuring her that nothing "fun" would happen on the whole planet until quiet time finished, she didn't drop off to sleep. So 90 minutes of vocalization later, she was brought downstairs.

Mum: So did you sleep, Sophie?

Soph: It's not night-time. (Turns to her father) Is it night-time, dad?

Dad: No, Sophie, it's not night-time.

Sophie: shrugs as if pointing out the foolishness of parents who think that sleeping can happen when the sun is up and then tears off in all directions.

On another note, M said that the look of glee on the young Miss' face when she got to squirt the hose at her big bro and the even bigger neighbour was just priceless.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Back in TO and doing our thing

Here are some more snaps of the kids glad to be back and hanging out in their home and 'hood.

It's all relative

When one's 2 year old looks at your underwear and says : "Those are big, Mum", she means relative to hers, right?

Friday, 14 August 2009

Good question (no doubt part 1)

Why? Why can't...? How? When? Who? What? Where?

The building blocks of intellectual curiousity, questions can be the bane of a rush out the door or a parental headache or an interminable flight. But usually they are met with lively discussion in our household.

Such as this morning, when Sebastian asked:

"Why can't we see the words coming out of our mouths?"

With great timing, Auntie Roberta provided this link:

Out the door by - oh, forget it.

We all knew it was too good to last. Yesterday's departure was later than the day before's which was later than Wednesday. You get the picture. But to leave at 9.24 a.m. and by car...!!! The kids have been going to bed late and dead beat by the activity, exercise and heat. So they slept in till past 8. Not a great start. The wee one is snuffling and a bit low. That was not helped when she shook the yoplait drink bottle to mix up the flavours. Only problem was that the cap had already been removed. So a shower for both our daughter and the kitchen was in order.

Here's a snap of the mess that was left for me to clear up when they did get out the door yesterday (I know, I know, all you folks who do this every day have pristine kitchens, right?).

And just to kick us when we are down, the school bus schedule for one of Seb's two schooling options (we still haven't decided and it's 3 weeks away...) appeared in the mail today. Pick up time? 7.37 A.M.!!!!!!! I guess I could just hide under the covers and let M deal with that aspect of parenting. I mean, we did right from the get-go agree that he would do nights and early mornings, and I would do other hours (like after-school pick-up). Sounds like a plan.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Notre visite chez Michel & Marite

In our final days, we lunched with Michel and Marite on their newly redone terrace. Marite's brother and sister-in-law were visiting with their 2 cats.
Mamie Suzanne (Marite's mum who was widowed last autumn) is now living with them. So when she napped Sophie crawled in but neither of them could fall asleep - Mamie Suzanne worried that Sophie would fall out of bed!

We love our (part 3)

We love our stroller's rain shield. It is tried and true and trusted. So after abusing it for 3 years, we got a new one. Seb's temper saw the better of the sleek, snap-on Maclaren rain shields, so we now opt for the much cheaper generic and capacious model.

The last one was torn and attempts to mend it with sticky tape really didn't work (it's in the middle right of the photo). It had fuschia wall paint spilt on it and never really recovered.

The new one is, well, so new and clean that one can actually see through it. Perhaps that will mean that Sophie is actually willing to use it. Usually, she insists on grabbing it and tucking it over her head and behind her. Thus, exposing her whole body to the elements...

Comice Agricole 2009

A cutie like her big bro.

Seb: Do you think I have enough summer savings for this tractor, Mum?

Seb to Sophie: Hey, do you want to throw in your summer money and buy it together, sis? I'll even let you drive it sometimes.The features on the 2009 model are tremendous. Built-in cup holder, honky-tonk music, snack dispenser, you name it.

We have a front too

As you can tell, we are ever so proud of our 2nd effort to grow vegetables and thus keep showing snaps of the backyard. We do play there a lot, use the hose for cooling off, eat on our new table under our verdant grape vine, and rely on the shed to stash all sorts of rubbish, but we have a front flower bed too. Thanks to G&L, it continues to bloom - and smell - beautifully (though just a tad too soon for early August returns), though it rarely gets the full weeding it deserves.

Out the door by 8.39...

I knew it was too good to be true. Despite being up at 6.30 a.m. (jetlag is still ruling my clock - I was asleep before both kids last night...), we still managed to get everyone out the door late. Let's just say that Miss Sophie is finding her 2 year old voice and that her big brother likes to egg her on.

Monday, 10 August 2009

How does your garden grow?

With much gratitude to the rain goddess and that auntie goddess, Jeet.

My other (and greener-thumbed) half was reflecting on the smile that sprung across Seb's face yesterday morning when he looked out the kitchen window and saw the bounty that his springtime work had produced. That grin of amazement, pride, satisfaction, wonder, joy was worth more, so much more than a ticket to the Jays or Disneyworld. He could eat it!

Life is good

Life is good