So the bodies were bathed and the nails cut (whoops forgot that part) before Gramps rolled in last night to scoop up our two very excited children. The suitcase was very, very full because we must not let a chink of clothing need in or the Alward clan will buy even more for the kids! The children have hot weather gear, cold/fog weather gear - it is the Bay of Fundy - rain gear - see previous comment - swim gear, party clothes, knock-about clothes.
Sebastian has been telling "everyone" that he is going whale-watching for over a week. While Sophie has been caught up with the thrill and confusion at the notion of going to Gramps and Nana's for days. It hit its peak last night when upon George's arrival she burst into tears to learn that he was staying the night and that they wouldn't leave till this morning! He took the tears in stride.
6.15 a.m. is always a blur to me but they got out the door on time (it is George afterall). Just before leaving, Sophie kissed me copiously and Seb grabbed handfuls of story books from the bookcases, pressing them into my arms and saying that I could read any of his books while he was away. They sang "So Long, Farewell" as the car pulled away.
I have already received a phone call from Sophie who reported that she ate "bear paws" (allergen free chocolate chip cookies) on the plane and saw "the baby" (10 1/2 month old cousin Annabel). Seb was playing a game with his little cousin Addie in the basement. The meeting of minds (and egos) between him and his 5 year old cousin Alex had yet to occur. I am sure it will be loud and fun and stormy and hilarious and crazy and touching all at once.
As for how I/we plan to fill this rather silent and laid-back 7 days (ok M is working but still), there are many ideas: allergen-laden dining into the wee hours, live entertainment, uninterrupted conversations, a little bit of work "stuff" (writing a summary, drumming up work, organising my digital files, organising - and painting - my mini office) and a very long list of household repairs/chores (ranging from more hooks on our porch to hang Seb's pottery windchimes to culling from/re-organising the storage area in the basement to having the pipes into the house replaced to replacing our overly expensive phone/internet service provider). Fun, right?
Unfortunately, I have spent much of day one trying to sleep off a headache. But around 4 pm after 2 naps, one latte, one brownie that oozed chocolate, some humid sunshine, a headache tablet and 2 glasses of water, I feel 85%. And so on to a fine evening with my love.
I promise to get some photos up over the week too for those non-New Brunswickers who follow the blog.