Monday, 10 August 2009

Out the door by 8.29 a.m.

We are back in Toronto and it's all systems go - at least this morning. We have never been a morning family. The fact that Seb was scheduled for afternoon kindergarten was a boon. But today we had to get not one but two kids out the door by 8.30 with snacks (fruit and dad-made cookies), lunch (just Seb), sunscreen & hat, raincoat (it's that kind of day), water bottles, allergy responses, and diapers (just Soph). And we did it. I know, I know, many of you do it every day and by 8.05; but we don't and now we do - all week, as the kids are in 1/2 day - full-day camp.

At drop-off, Seb ran in without looking back and Sophie starting hugging the camp counsellor. I think it's going to be a fun week.

As for me, my to-do list numbers 27.

We would love to have your favourite packed lunch recipes and tips (Nana and Gramps have bought Seb a lunch bag. George says the online reviews recommended this model for its durability. Whoever knew?!) or a story of a packed lunch gone awry or a memory of the most delicious moveable feast you ever consumed. Join the blog!

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Life is good

Life is good