Monday, 31 January 2022

Starting a new year

It wasn't an easy return home for dear Seb. But they got stuck in with online - pandemic-style - gymnastics coaching of the young ones at TDot. Sophie and I had many giggles about the students' behaviour and attention spans!

Tried some pierogie making


Sunday, 23 January 2022

A visitor!! We had a real, live visitor from out of town

Virtually everything was shut but we did a big walk by the lake and in High Park; we explored the Distillery district and splurged on some Thai food; we watched a movie and made a trip to Eataly for loads of yummies.


Saturday, 22 January 2022

Snow days!!

 Literally - SNOW days. After 2 weeks of holidays + 2 weeks of lock-down, Mother Nature gave us two snow days....

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

New Year's prep and Open House - 2022 style

After umming & ahhing, we decided to do a drive-by New Year's Open House, spending more time with less people. But just as much yummy food!

This dish needed a trial - champagne and camembert soup (prosecco & brie) but given that it was like a cheese fondu soup - it made the cut!

Sophie made a sour cream & chocolate bundt cake (she loves that word), as well as festive kale salad, dipped candy canes, and curried carrot & apple soup. And those are Jo's delicious molasses spiiced cookies with rum glaze.

The in/famous artichoke & goat cheese dish (Seb's debut)

Seb made French onion soup - caramelising the onions

Bagged up and ready to deliver - we served 15 families!!

Wishing you all rich & rewarding ideas, the means to follow-through on them and rejuvenation.

Life is good

Life is good