Saturday, 30 June 2018

Pride 2018

We didn't make the march last weekend but we did try to continue to share the love this week, month, year.
The flags outside our local carpenter's workspace

The newly painted church stairs

$1079 that the Grove kids raised over the year for the Rainbow Railroad; they started a club this year and Sophie was an active leader

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Our Grove Community School graduate - 2018

Heading off to the "Grad breakfast" on Tuesday
All the Grade 5/6 girls (7) for the Tuesday night sleepover at our place. Bedtime was 10pm - but it was closer to 10:30. Falling asleep - around 1 a.m. I was told. They had the temporarily empty basement so I was far away where it was quiet! 

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They were up fairly early and walked to school (30 mins that day), arriving on time!
Dad made his great pancakes

Lunch time they all headed to Zizi's house for a quick bite to eat and some "primping" - which included lipstick and mascara!!
the terrific trio
Two fantastic Grade 5s who MCed the graduation ceremony
Our 11 graduates

Gramps & Nana stand-by seated in for the day. Happy to say that all travel went smoothly
And this morning...

final dad-daughter walk to school.
End of an era

Friday, 22 June 2018

Toy Pile of Shame

Earlier in the month, Sophie and I tried to rally the Grove community school to get behind a protest about the children being forcibly separated from their parents at the US / Mexico border. We had a few people come out with us and a few others donated something to add to the pile of shame. It was a sunny, energetic day and a great way to engage peacefully and creatively on a horrendous issue - and hey, it ended up getting a CBC camera (...) and more and more coverage!

Monday, 18 June 2018

D&D posing

Dates back to March break Dungeons and Dragons camp but right now all he does is study for his 4 exams and waste time on the computer pretending to study...

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

One expensive dog...

As many of you know, the dawg trashed my glasses one night. Nothing worth salvaging. And it turns out that no matter how cheap the frames are my lens cost a bomb ($375+). So after much searching and asking of opinions "They all make you look like an old lady, Mum" - I settled on a pair.
My eyes tire every day with my old old specs; and I find my head is fatigued struggling to focus; and I can't read the screen with them, so I hold them at a weird angle and end up straining my neck... 
Only another 12 days and I should get them. 
I will let you guess which pair was chosen...

Friday, 8 June 2018

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

So fortunate

Last month, this amazing person came to see us. Every year she takes her holiday time and savings an graces us with her presence. So so fortunate to have her in our lives. xoxoxo Jeet

Cherry blossom fest

She likes to shop when in TO - as does Sophie. We got matchy

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Life is good

Life is good