Thursday, 28 June 2018

Our Grove Community School graduate - 2018

Heading off to the "Grad breakfast" on Tuesday
All the Grade 5/6 girls (7) for the Tuesday night sleepover at our place. Bedtime was 10pm - but it was closer to 10:30. Falling asleep - around 1 a.m. I was told. They had the temporarily empty basement so I was far away where it was quiet! 

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They were up fairly early and walked to school (30 mins that day), arriving on time!
Dad made his great pancakes

Lunch time they all headed to Zizi's house for a quick bite to eat and some "primping" - which included lipstick and mascara!!
the terrific trio
Two fantastic Grade 5s who MCed the graduation ceremony
Our 11 graduates

Gramps & Nana stand-by seated in for the day. Happy to say that all travel went smoothly
And this morning...

final dad-daughter walk to school.
End of an era

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Life is good

Life is good