Friday, 30 June 2017

MC-ing the Grove graduation ceremony

Back in October, Sophie told me something that she really really wanted. Something that was out of my hands to make happen. She really wanted to be asked by the Grade 6s to MC their graduation ceremony in June.

Well, lo and behold, about a month ago, her wish came true - and yes, I was one very proud mother. She prepared really hard: contributing to the script, learning her jokes, practicing where to stand and walk, etc. Her co-host was the lovely Julius - a pal since kindergarten and a hilarious Anglophile (Dr Who, anyone?). He came over this weekend for dinner and some more practicing. 

And it all paid off marvellously.

I forgot to take photos so this will have to do...

Principal Wilma in her funky, colourful dress & Sophie's long, lean legs 
The graduates

relaxing afterwards

Thursday, 29 June 2017

And that's a wrap

Sophie and her only other Grade 5 gal pals - Zohar & Zaira

School's out at 3:30!

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Year-end baking

It's the end of the school year, which seems to entail endless class parties and bake sales and after-school get-togethers. But it was great to see Seb baking - all be it from boxes. Nanaimo bars and salted caramel brownies

and my unicorn biscuits were a hit (and maybe a one-hit wonder given all the work...)

Sunday, 25 June 2017

PRIDE 2017

One of the neighbourhood churches
Even Darwin got into the spirit

We had the opportunity to march in the main Pride parade again this year (no, we didn't see Trudeau nor the Grand Marshall - the amazing Kent Monkman - artist who Sophie met and studied).

 We formed a small contingent for the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Seb bought us some plastic vuvuzelas at Dollarama. I think we were the only contingent that had no sequins or glitter! But we waved and cheered and boogied our ways along the parade route (at least I did; the kids were more sedate, even though it was Sophie's idea.)

And when their dad was dropping them off, guess who recognized him - the Premier! So Sophie got her photo opp.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

A wild Wednesday

Last Wednesday was a little rough. Everyone wanted a piece of me or 3 and I was frazzled. So I finally bowed to pressure and went here...

as you can imagine, 2 people have been clamouring to try it out for some time
And ate this
and drank tea from that (and water from that other shape) 
With this marvellous creature who cheered me up no end

Monday, 19 June 2017

A new leaf?

So this friend
persuaded me to get a tattoo 
I can still dress up nice and fancy and no one sees it

And it will scrub off by next week.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Quick update of our quick getaway

Last weekend, we managed to dash away to Niagara on the lake and see a few plays. The downside was the heavy cold that descended on me on Sunday morning. But we saw Saint Joan (tremendous) and Dancing at Lughnasa (fine), and had a gorgeous meal and managed to spend a little bit of time with our friend Christine, who is directing a different show. We will be back this weekend to see that one!

Taking our seats for Saint Joan

My love and the lovely heritage home we stayed at
Looking swellegant
Ontario asparagus - It must be late Spring
Roasted red pepper soup - never had finer!

Friday, 16 June 2017

Middle School Graduation

Here are some of the images you have been waiting for - last night's ceremony and reception for the Grade 8 students of Toronto Ouest. This officially marks the end of elementary school, so there were speeches from teachers and the principal, plus the certificates and prize-giving. One student picked up many prizes and gave a valedictory sort of address - very eloquent and in beautiful French. A sad loss to Toronto Ouest and a gain for ESA. But I am not talking of our dear boy. His classmate Serena is a very talented person - did I mention the competitive synchro swimming?

Our boy had an amazing smile, looked so sharp in his gorgeous outfit (wore his dad's shoes!), whooped and hollered for his friends and at the teachers' jokes, and scooped the awards for both math competitions (note: not the best academic grade because that would require sustained diligence toward homework; sigh).

It was lovely to see Seb's friends and classmates - plus chat with their parents.

Many of the boys
His closest pals - Gilles, Jean-Samuel, Luca, Marc-Andre - (and the provincially-ranked gymnast Armand for good measure)
Seb and one of his favourite teachers - M. De Mateo - English Grade 7,  Resource teacher Grade 8

M. Kamga the principal - who took a moment to again stress how  strong our lad is in math (i.e. don't let it be squandered at ESA!)

His math teacher - M. El Kerri - who kept pushing him to go further
We could send the grad's wishes; Seb's best friend's sister noted that her brother was always to be found with Seb

Thursday, 15 June 2017

When the gal grabs the camera

Yes there is a touch of vanity in my children... Here the gal is unpacking her summer box

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Hanging out with my gal

Sophie is loving her geek chic oversized (and fake) glasses

She really wanted us to wear our bright lounge pants together one day

So we did!

Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing?

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Our dramatic duo

Friday & Saturday were performance days at YPT; the year's was No One Is Alone. 

The junior ensemble had been working together for 5 months - exercises, brainstorming, character / plot / narrative development sessions, rehearsals, costume development, sound & light direction etc. They had put so much in the Middle Place. 

It was wonderful. So physical and intense. The school director remarked that she had rarely seen a group - professional or otherwise - be such an ensemble, a team, present for each other at all times on stage. Impressive!

The debrief was their wonderful director, Alix Sedaris
waiting for her bro after the show

 We went out to dinner afterwards with two of Seb's school friends who had kindly agreed to come along. They had also kindly waited for him every Saturday in January & February as he trekked back across town from YPT for games night.

 And then the next day, we were back for more! Sophie's 5/6 class took on bullying - in class, between teachers even

Life is good

Life is good