Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Her happenings

Her class did a photography project and this is one of the gems that came back.

When I was away delivering a workshop, Mr had an early start and decided to take gal pal to work with him... She was excited to see the Premier and hear about university loans and scholarships.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

When you remove the electronics...

We are thinking of getting him an MCAT study guide or a surgery kit...

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Dutiful puppy

Sleeping at the boss's feet while she works

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Our family ski adventure

And so it came to be. We fulfilled Mr M's dream of hut-to-hut skiing en famille. 4 1/2 days = 50 miles of trails. Up and down and across, icy, snowy, sunny and warm, you name it. 

The Maine Huts & Trails set up was fantastic. The food & eco-lodges & crew were great. we loved the book and games - and beer - selection each evening. Here are some preliminary snaps. No doubt, the main photographer will share more. 

 The New York Times article that caught my eye in 2012.
So glad we did it!
Stoking the fire in the 1/2 way hut

We skied into a moose - I kid you not. Some of us got very close and took a selfie... Despite yelling and waving our poles, it wouldn't go away, so we skied gently by. 
She was my jukebox. Singing up a storm and trekking along, as she has done for the last 6 years

Hydrating at one of the lodges

Packing his day pack

Signing the guest log

Mid-trail pause

They were wonderful company for each other. They sang 100 bottles of beer - all the way through... They did multiple choice quizs about science, books, and family history. Hilarious!

My love's 30+ year old East German pole finally broke on the last day. (We did pick it up)
Some extra glide wax for Spring conditions

Friday, 10 March 2017

Choosing the newest member of our family

After zooming in off my flight from Beirut, we scooped up Sophie (Mike & Seb had the day off) and raced off to choose our dawg. It was tough.

There were 5 males - but the blondie was already huge

Seb leant toward this fellow with his interesting eye detailing. He was the wee guy/runt of the litter

Sophie had a hankering for this fellow but he was really straight haired - for now (which might mean more shedding)

She got right in there - we all did
But this loveable chap is who is coming home with us next week!

And we are thrilled!!!!

Cuddly boys

It must be happening

 We meet him this afternoon!!!!

She says that it is fairly comfortable

Thursday, 9 March 2017


Triceratops, she said. I love how much fun she has with her hair-dos; she certainly isn't prissy about her long, sort of blonde, not very thick and luscious, locks.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Put them to work young

Young fellow dropped by his dad's workplace last week, and so he was put to work. Cost-cutting measure, no doubt.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Last week, when it was Spring

Having an afternoon treat before playing in the park

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Food, I guess

So what have we been up to? I took a look through my snaps of the past 10 days and every one was about food!
Found some rhubarb, so had to stew it up one evening

Some limp turnips and shrivelled apple turned into a lovely soup

And to cap off that cooking blitz, I made some tomato and dill soup
(enough to feed the 11 people who descended on our house after Sunday skiing!)

I had asked my love to get frozen peas - and he did - a lot of them!

It was Shrove Tuesday

and the Scouts helped out

and helped themselves

To a lot of pancakes!!

Whilst at home, we had Mediterranean pan-cooked cod

Life is good

Life is good