Wednesday, 25 March 2015

When you have a good one, hold him/her close

Buddies on ice

Buddies for life?

Every winter, Toronto's budget fails to extend to keeping the outdoor rinks open through March break. Every year, after public protest, the Council find some funds for a few rinks and lucky for us, Dufferin Grove always squeaks onto that list. So on the last day of Spring Break, 2 happy lads and a happy dad played some group shinny.

Here's the report:
It was just wonderful. Crisp & cold & sunny, ice still almost entirely good, just the right number of dads and kids, nobody hogging the puck or getting too wound up, M-A & Seb & I were on the same team and we all had so much fun. A glorious last day of outdoor hockey in Toronto.

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Life is good

Life is good