Friday, 4 November 2011

What makes for a good evening?

the children were happy bunnies last night. Sophie had had a playmate over in the afternoon and then Seb had his bud Zachary over after school. He handled the fact that I had double-booked him and thus could not go to to the school's fundraiser, a movie he had already seen, with relative grace.

They got to pick 'kid food' for their supper (fish sticks, carrots and rice).

Zach went home and Seb & I went to snuggle in our new reading nook. I read his new fave series (Lemony Snicket vol 3) while he kept popping up to go downstairs and make yet more buttered raisin toast (a new found skill - working the toaster oven). After 40 minutes, Sophie ambled in to join us (with her own toast and fruit b/c she had announced that the fish gave her a headache...). She found her own little spot (by definition, the nook is not big) and started to copy out words (her new found skill). I gravitated to my book on the e-reader, but Seb wanted a turn. So he found his notes and started to research the Titanic (from a free book he downloaded).

At 8:55 we realised that the kids were supposed to be bathed and in bed. I then took to the bathtub, joined first by Sophie and then by Sebastian. At which point their dad shows up and starts to impersonate the Cat in the Hat under said towel. Raucous laughter ensues.

Very happy, our squeaky clean munchkins settle into bed and are soon asleep. Yes, it was a late bedtime but what a joyful family night. It's good to cling on to those memories when the other sort happen!

And besides, I got to cuddle up with my love and watch another episode of our favourite tv series. After it was done (around 11:15), I polished off some work...

1 comment:

wordswords said...

perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Life is good

Life is good