Saturday, 27 August 2011

Live from the Dufferin Grove Camp Out

The City is messing with our park.

So some parents organised a camp out last night. 30+ tents packed with young families spread out near the famous and fabulous playground. My family - minus me, who craved a bed and somewhere with electricity for a 4 am wakeup - trekked over with our camping gear.

And had a great time with friends, neighbours and schoolmates (or all three in one child in some cases). Sophie conked out early and quietly. But I left at 9.15 just as Seb was settling in to watch a big screen movie with another couple dozen kids...

It was very quiet this morning.

But as you can see, Sophie was thrilled with her marshmallow breakfast.

1 comment:

lynette said...

hope you managed to get some sleep! nice seeing you!

Life is good

Life is good