Sunday, 2 March 2008

Always forgetting

Our days are full. I often catch myself thinking "oh, got to get this lovely moment summed up for the blog, share it with family and friends". But somehow it slips away and I am left late in the evening with no memory of that perfect moment I wanted to share.

Seb has been told the "big news" and seems really excited about it. Yesterday, he told everyone we met that we are moving to Toronto but was stymied by the question "for how long?" It really warmed my heart that people in the market and library gave him parting tokens of affection, their e-mail addresses, etc. One clerk (who has changed employers a couple of times in the past 2 years) was recalling how small Seb was in 2005/06. He has really made his mark uptown!

At 15 months, we made a list of words that Seb understood, so we have done the same for Sophie. It's an impressive list - headed by "nursing", "coughing" (don't ask), "Seb", and other close relatives. It was a fun activity for the whole proud family; Sebastian in particular would double-check that we had all the words written on his sister's list. The paternal grandparents aren't too scientific about the whole thing; George kept adding extra words that I question (like does she really understand "car"? or just that it means going outside the house?).

Good news is that we seem to have rented out our maison de village for 3 weeks in May; that will pay the annual taxes. Bad news is that our home exchange for an Ontario cottage in August seems to be fizzling.

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Life is good

Life is good