Tuesday, 30 August 2022

What a busy summer! Part 4: Montreal

Sophie & Mum had 3 days in Montreal, and after a quick visit with Grandma, we did some tourism - museums, food, pedestrianised streets, shopping, a free concert, hanging out with friends!

A portrait of the iconic Jack Rabbit Johannsen - skier extraordinaire!

Stencilling in the growing bike infrastructure
Vegan softserve!!!
On Rob & Angele's suggestion, we tried the Time Out market
And it was tasty!

Reading - always time and a place for a good book
We got to do a variety of things with these parents of a first year McGill student (had did that happen?!)
 - and then when with them, I bumped into the son of another Toronto friend who had also just been dropped off for first year uni!

Ballet is for every body
Ever-observant Sophie wondered why these stop signs fold. Any ideas??

We had a lovely discussion about this could not be BC

Interesting display at the Musee des Beaux-Arts comparing forms of the same item 

Montreal's one and only
We managed to whip up some delicious dishes at Grandma's place
Sorting through the decades of towels at Grandma's apartment
The Montreal compromise?
Getting her nails done as a summer treat
I mean, who doesn't think that Zoe Kravitz isn't a goddess to be revered?!

We drove home via Kingston and visited our favourite spot 

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Life is good

Life is good