Friday, 31 July 2020

Beer afficiandos

We do love a good brew (and no doubt they will too eventually)

On the left is a splendid shirt acquired at the One of a Kind show; young man sports a hand-me-down from a QP event; & a few months back, the barely-a-teen got herself a massive t-shirt to shlep around in with Keith's brewery on the front (and has worn it to school despite TDSB policy).

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Growing gal

When she starts to wear your cast off dresses and shirts!

Monday, 27 July 2020

Weekend in the woods

The multi person hammock

Trampoline and “lily pad”

Hosts with the mosts (including oysters and wine on the dock)

What a beautiful spot in the woods with wonderful hosts and chance for the teens to have “normal summer” fun!

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Reunited and it feels so good

3 weeks apart and the affection is clear

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

When you get him outside

This fellow may be all about space and the internet but when you get him into nature, he relaxes, and imagines and soars. He is in NB doing Shad, so these were from last month in High Park (when it was cooler!)

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Beating the heat

We are in a long hot and dry spell in southern Ontario. So we are trying all all sorts of options.
Head to (dog) friendly pools
Drape pooch in a wet towel (don't tell him there is a Cat on his back!)

Drink sangria after dark in the backyard with friends

Eat lots of cool salads in our shady backyard

Relax on the porch in voluminous dresses (not jeans, Seb!)

Drink chilled beverages and eat chilled fruits in season

Garden at dusk

Wear frozen eye masks

Friday, 3 July 2020

That goofy, glorious gal of ours

Here's a round up of our gal in June
Plant shopping with Mum

A favourite outfit - high tops and an enormous t-shirt

Playing some games with her mum

goofing around in the t-shirt that can't be worn at school
expressive eye/brows

A bi-weekly treat with Mum
Pretty much sums it up!

Life is good

Life is good