Friday, 28 February 2020

First visit -as a student to be

We filled in the paperwork, bought some uniform tops and met CARL. Be sure to ask about Carl. He was the highlight!

Sunday, 23 February 2020

UFA it is

So after being accepted by Parkdale pre-IB and UFA, and agonising a little, the gal has opted for Ursula Franklin Academy. She won't be able to walk there (though she could walk home on a lovely Spring day); she knows a few teens from school and ballet and friends of friends who will be in her year. She is looking forward to their interesting Wednesday programme and hey, a uniform means you don't have to wonder what to wear.

Here comes high school! 

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Family ski 2020

The traditional family ski. This time they learned to wax their own skis 

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Fancy pants dinner

Getting ready for a dinner with friends at a fancy fish restaurant

Little sis stayed home with the dog

Grandad’s Ports jacket has done this family well!

Monday, 3 February 2020

Big week coming up

The eldest will hear back about his application for Shad this summer and the youngest will receive offers for high schools. Two big decisions by the end of the month. 

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Not one but 2!

How fabulous to head to a concert with your sub. In fact, how fab to share musical tastes with your sibling!!
On Wednesday, this duo headed to an all ages gig at the Dandorh Music Hall. Their dad has got them tickets to Rex Orange County (best look him up in YouTube or Spotify). They had a great time and came back solo on the TTC.

And then the next night, Seb went to his 2nd paying concert  (Sophie has been to 2 last year, but who - beyond her older bro - is counting). It was a slate of musicians and the newly redone Paradose. Moscow Apartment was playing and Seb’s known Brigid since Grade 2 or so. 

Life is good

Life is good