Sunday, 11 December 2016

London ladies

This was year. We were going to treat ourselves to a quick trip to London at Christmas. The main draw? To visit the Geffrye museum's Christmas-decorated rooms. Despite the accommodation fiasco (which ended rather well), we had a marvellous time.  I got to see mum's pal, Carol for a divine lunch at the National Portrait Gallery. And we had brunch with Roberta and Auntie Dorothy at St Pancras.

The first night - there were only 2 - I walked across Westminster bridge in the mild, foggy air.

The exhibition

Right where Sophie had stood 21 months before

Remind anyone else of a certain metallic stencilled wall?


A spot of shopping

By chance our bus headed down Regent Street and the lights were just gorgeous

even from the back

We even managed to see the abbey

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Life is good

Life is good