Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Story telling

Reading a story she wrote to a captive audience (that's Gramps on the phone).

Friday, 17 June 2016

A special guest

We had a special guest in Toronto this week. Our dear cousin Eric is touring around the Americas (Canada/USA/Peru) with some mates. And they crashed at ours for a few days - I am sure lots of laundry was done!

The kids WERE happy to see him, I promise!

My cousins know where Mr. spends his time these days - in the kitchen with fond memories of Brighton.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Drama queen

This term, Sophie took weekly acting lessons. Her class worked together to create a play, which they performed this weekend. She played "Zoe" one of 2 sisters who discover that the "island adventure" their parents are taking them on involves chopping down a bunch of trees to build a resort. Zoe and her sister foil the plan with the help of a turtle. 

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Saturday in Toronto & Athens

I like Sophie's taste in clothes

Enjoying the sunshine and some tunes at Roncey Rocks with her dad

And he treated her to a pineapple juice in a pineapple,

Meanwhile I was at the opera - not just any opera but Aida at the Odeon of Heracles.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Dance, dance, wherever you may be

At her end of session performance earlier this week - strike a pose

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


After gymnastics last week

Life is good

Life is good