Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Delicious doesn't do it justice

something sweet
something sweeter

once baked, the puff pastry-wrapped chocolate bar didn't last long

Saturday, 26 March 2016


I was moaning to friends yesterday about how much the children are fighting and bickering, and then they go and do something like this today. :-)

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Some indoor exercise

assisted chin ups
Sophie wanted to head back to the indoor gym/playground with her buddy, Zaira.

running up

and down

climbing up

moving her equipment


ready to swing!

Saturday, 19 March 2016

March Break 2016

First day - Our traditional March break raid on Mabel's Fables and the Bagel House! (and Jeet came with us)
Pouring over the seasonal tea catalogue

hosting the final games night - for now

Second day - headed to Montreal to see Grandma

Third day - did not head to Maine to do the hut to hut ski trip - because there was no snow...

Fourth - sixth days - we headed to Ottawa.We had a grand time at the National Gallery and the Museums of Nature and History, hiking a (snowy) trail in Gatineau park, and eating with Mr & Mrs Cormier, doing some late night shopping for more books (because, yes, the kids had finished theirs)
another Louise Bourgeois - they even remembered her spider from Bilbao 

what Seb built instead of actually seeing the Vikings exhibit

Drove home very late but it was memorable because...
Sophie had her first "footlong" - and finished it before me!

Seventh day is a stay-cation sort of day!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

My baby turned helper

Sure, parenting can be stressful. But it also includes moments of appreciation, fun and pride. Like when this big brother picked up his little sister from after school care and remembered the focaccia.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

It's that time of year

...when I cram read - not only the 2 books/month for my existing book groups and reading with the kids - but trying to choose what my annual book club picks will be. Thus I have to skim 12+ books and read at least 4 to feel that I have chosen well. I told our neighbours to look out for me trudging back and forth to the library weighed down with books.

I'll speak to you all on the other side.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Marmite for mother's day

I guess Sophie somehow knew that it is mothers' day in the UK. She loves me so much that she even spread on the marmite (extra thick...)

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Winter camping

Seb headed off early this morning to go winter camping with the Sea Scouts - and yes, they are sleeping in cabins.
We treated Sophie to her first  Dim Sum and have promised her a peanut butter and jam sandwich!

Friday, 4 March 2016

Visitors to T-Dot

One of the great things about Toronto is that people come to and through it. This week, Angela is here (and her lads are too busy to see her, so we will have to do!)
Last weekend, the wonderful Lisa passed through. We bucked to the east side and saw some temporary art on the Beaches (and admired an owl). And next week it's Jeet's turn!!

View from the temporary sauna. It was a stunning day

Thursday, 3 March 2016

End of the lessons but oh so much more...

Post-final ski lessons. It's been a great season and loads more skiing to come!

We celebrated the close of lessons by having some yummies and playing a board game with a family we befriended. Maya really liked 7 Wonders - we all did actually.

The Sophster on a "slope"

and skiing without poles. I am the only one now who doesn't skate ski

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Winter vagueries

When it was sunny & 12 degrees on Sunday, it seemed a great idea to get Sophie some new shorts. 20 cms of snow later...

Life is good

Life is good