Sunday, 27 December 2015

Holiday Round-up 2015 - Part 1

We hope that this holiday season has brought moments - if not days - of joy, and that you are looking forward to more in the weeks ahead.

We launched a tradition of going out to a new restaurant over the school holidays. We took G&L to Pomegranate, which serves amazing Iranian fare. Here Seb is practicing drinking scalding hot mint tea through a sugar cube.

On Christmas Eve Day, holiday cookies were made - yup, right alongside chopping onions (see next photo)
The table laid for Christmas Eve - complete with tortiere and vegetarian onion soup. We ate late, after having accompanied Nana (and oh, a dozen of our friends, colleagues and neighbours) to a raucous, radically inclusive church service - full of clapping, swaying and children running around.
"We are not in Baxter's Corner anymore, Toto"
Sophie angling for her first cocktail
After much debate about where in our new house to situate our hoop (thanks, George!), we gathered to hang the family ornaments.
Seb in his holiday cardigan
Our youngest was thrilled to be able to reach the hook all by herself
Auntie R joined us and hung a sweet, candy cane striped mini-stocking from our childhoods 
George chose a Santa 
Whilst Lorraine sentimentally hung her eldest's first Christmas ornament
Speaking of whom, he hung the mouse that graced the childhood tree (don't get me started on mice, though!)
I added one of the walnut-as-cradle ornaments
Then it was time for the semi-annual gift of new PJs.
"Allergic to Morning" and the Canadiens were hits
When the kids finally went to bed, Santa and his helpers stole in and transformed our hearth (and haven't Nana and grand-daughter done a lovely decorating job!)

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Life is good

Life is good