Friday, 28 February 2014


Seville won our hearts with its culture, history, gastronomy, weather, street life, citizenry ...

Here is Seb's proposed schedule for one of the days:

Never met a caleche horse they didn't want to stroke

never met a play structure that they won't climb
The spectacular cathedral had a great kids audio-guide (any kind is a big hit with ours)

2 sisterly saints that are patrons of the city

la Giralda - minaret turned Catholic bell tower = gorgeous

the quiet orange grove in the midst of the mosque turned cathedral 
the fanciful parasol in the centre of the shopping district

where I found these singing gentlemen

our fabulous flamenco dancers (there has been some serious toe and heel taping by Sebastian ever since)

Sophie pumping out her vessel at the museum of navigation
the lovely and lively Maria Louisa park

where we took a quadricycle for a spin

suavely checking the guide book

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Life is good