Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Off gadding about

Ooops. Sorry. It's been a while. But there have been places to be and people to see and birthdays to fete and so on....

Let's start with our wonderful trip to northern Italy. First stop was Turin, where the highlights were:

  • visiting with our lovely friends and meeting their new son, Michael
  • seeing the museum that Elena co-created, full of families
  • drinking the thickest, richest hot chocolate in the world (white/dark/milk/hazelnut - with whipped cream or without)
  • going for a hike in the foothills of the alps
  • picking out delicious food at the gourmet grocery store EATaly (get it...)
  • spending a rainy afternoon entranced by the national museum of cinema
  • finding a tiny shop that I discovered 3 years ago in the arcades
  • eating delicious pizza

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Life is good

Life is good