Thursday, 10 October 2013


As you may remember, Seb was finally given a penknife for this summer's canoe trip. After the trip, it went into my drawer, only to be retrieved with permission and when the environment was appropriate (i.e. calm mood, no friends around, supervised, etc).

He has asked repeatedly for the knife since we have been going on lots autumnal hikes. He wants to whittle. So it came out yesterday for a trip the pre-historic caves of the Dordogne. Today he found a stick on the way home and his dad showed him a little bit about whittling.

Well, the almost inevitable happened, and Seb cut himself. Lots of blood, a very sore finger and an equally sore ego. It might affect his gymnastics class tonight but seems to me like a very 'good' way to learn to take knives seriously.

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Life is good

Life is good