Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Paying for sunshine and colour

As you might have noted, the blog has gone silent this last 2 weeks. I tried to upload sunny and colourful shots of Soph's party and was told by google that I had hit my maximum storage and would have to pay to upload photos from now on. Well, that put a damper on things and coupled with a lovely but rapid trip to the UK, trying to buy - not once but twice - a new house in the past 2 weeks (and failing brusingly both times), zooming up to see my mother on her birthday, and both parents of this household getting sick in the last week, nothing was going to happen to the blog.

But I am rallying from under the weight of this cold and hope to have the photo issue settled tomorrow.

In the meantime, I will leave you with this scene:

I am lying in bed for the 2nd day with my cold and chills. My blonde ray of sun peeks in the door; coming over to hold my hand, she asks if I want anything. "No" I say, as her eyes light up and she dashes away. 5 minutes later, she enters the room carrying a tray and beaming. She had decided to toast me some raisin bread, smear on some hazelnut butter and pour me some OJ. With the help f her dad, she carried it up the many stairs and to my sick bed. She and I were both so proud.

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Life is good

Life is good