Monday, 1 October 2012

Rally for teachers

The kids took the streetcar to our provincial legislature this morning. They went to the PLAY FAIR rally to support our teachers. The message was for the Premier to back down from the law that now prevents teachers from striking over a wage freeze and sick day claw back; it won't pass a charter of rights test in the courts. But until then, teachers have suspended extra-curricular activities like choir and sports teams, as one of the few ways they can legally protest.

Seb was under strict orders not to approach media and not to give out his surname ;) Sophie would rather dig a hole and bury herself than talk to media. We had discussed the right to strike last week and this morning over breakfast, read through our age-appropriate picture book about a striking single mum, and of course, Seb remembers the political elements of Billy Elliott.

The turnout was so-so (there had been a separate rally on Saturday) but the photo op of kids warming up and running races at Queen's Park brought out the cameras. Oh and you can see Seb's pink sign "I love my teachers" in the photo (but by its height, I doubt he was holding it).

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