Turns out our kids - in fact, everyone in our household - love ginger beer. So as a treat, we did a taste test last night.
Seb tabulated the results...
And the winner was... if I tell you, do you think that the company will send me a case for free? I mean, I am an influential mummy blogger after all.
In Nairobi I lived on Stoney's Tangaweze (but can't remember how to spell it!). Love me some ginger beer.
We too were reminiscing with the kids about Stoney. We will have to do us a ginger beer fest one summer, Chris.
I bought some "make your own ginger beer" mix when I was in London in December. When I get around to trying it, I'll let you know how it fares. Mmmmm, dark and stormy. Not for kids, but boy, is it tasty!
We have a West African recipe for ginger drink. Awesome. I guess, we could buy a fizzer and it would become ginger beer.
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