Thursday, 13 January 2011

Maybe they are right

In the past few months, we have been given some beautiful pottery mugs. The sort of pottery that you don't put in a dishwasher. That you have to wash by hand. A task that you pass at great peril to young children - so you don't.

These kind gift-givers must sense that we are emerging from the intensive child-rearing years. Activities become optional(swimming lessons vs. diaper-changing for example); some tasks (setting the table, sorting laundry) can be delegated; and children can take care of themselves in various ways (less parental gallops to the loo, for example).

They must be right, those gift givers. So right that M is signing up for tennis and I am searching for a choir to join.


Chris said...

What tennis is Mike going to do? Indoors this winter?

M and m said...

A choir? Really! That's great!

Life is good

Life is good