Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Why does a child...

suddenly decide to clean up both playrooms? diligently spending 15 minutes last night putting toys and books and cards and dolls and who knows what 'away'. alone. and then rightfully proud, asking his mum to come and see his work.

He knows he did a good thing. We spoke at some length about how such a gesture demonstrates one's love for someone else. He told me he would do it every night (somehow I think he will find other more creative and enjoyable ways to demonstrate his daily love). He quickly modified it to a clean-up every Wednesday, after which we go out to pick a dvd for the following week when the house will be a 'pig sty' (that's more like it).

I actually spent 20 minutes reading last night and reassembling the bits of me that had burst with pride, instead of the more usual tidying up. Perhaps I should have spent the time figuring out how to ensure it happens again.

This morning, eldest child has watered the garden (after one off-the-cuff parental request) and made breakfast for his little sister (which involves pulling the toast out of the little oven and slathering huge amounts of butter and honey on the slice. All topped off with a large glass of milk). Seems like I can retire now.

1 comment:

wordswords said...

Lovely. Even if it is just once.

I once promised my mum a shoulder rub per night for life.

I now owe her 8760 shoulder rubs.

Life is good

Life is good