Friday, 30 July 2010

Petit dejeuner dans notre jardin

Travelling in style

M splurged an extra 5 euros each to be in the 1st class wagon of the Paris- Bordeaux TGV.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

From Sebastian's perspective...

For the grandparents

Sophie is ever so proud that she can ride her trike now. This one is 2nd generation Wedge girl. But she careens up and down the Toronto sidewalk on the bright red one that she has inherited from her bro.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Just down the road from us

As most of you faithful readers know, my dad died last week in Montreal. [My mum is doing well, all things considered; thanks for asking]. So I am not in a head or heart space to keep the blog fresh and joyful at the moment. But I know that it brings happiness to many people; in fact, my dad said that it made him feel like he was living just down the road from his grandchildren.

So in his honour - and because it is now my mum's home page, I am going to arrange for some of the best pictures of the summer (to date) to be posted here over the coming weeks. Hopefully, they will bring a smile to your faces and a lift to your hearts. Just don't expect any light-hearted tales for some time.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Seb's World Class, World Cup Concentration

FIFA has reeled Sebastian in - hook, line and sinker. He was thrilled to get the official World Cup sticker album and nothing (but theft) would stop him from angling for more sticker packs; he waved the Ghana flag for weeks; he learnt Kan'aan's tune (and would sing it non-stop for an hour); he has favourite players; and he has more or less picked up the rules to soccer/footie.

But he has also learnt about colonialism, the global economy (why does Drogba play for Chelsea?) and oh yes, he has spent hours solo or with parent and/or friend kicking a ball around.

So it is no surprise that he is gripped by the tv coverage. It got him through being too sick to attend the last few (and most fun) days of school; through time zone adjustments to France; huge amounts of telly lessened the blow when Ghana was pipped at the post (almost literally) by a cheater, and no doubt tonight, it will all come to a glorious head (he is rooting for Spain).

But his concentration in front of the boob tube is impressive [photos taken in Michel & Marite's kitchen). His sister can search for nits (what was she doing?), imagine him with a mustache and still no lid batted. His focus was intense and he would whoop with the best of them (his dad, of course) when the right team scored.

Somehow, this is one corporate event that we have actually enjoyed our child absorbing.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Fly screaming in the other direction

This article made me laugh (better than cry). In fact it had me laughing all the way to my hotel closet - and that's before I get my clothes back from one of the local tailors in Hue (google map it).
Though I do the "punchy" scarves very well and that collection doesn't include my recent purchases from Kashmir (but it does include my latest Vietnamese haul, as I arrived with only the multi-coloured one).

I am taking orders - no commission.


The children love to sidle over and get a drip of wine or beer in their mouths.

But even more, they love to clink glasses with every last person at the table and say "cheers" or "sante" or whatever else may be appropriate to the particular setting/set of guests.

In the snap of Seb, he is pretending that he has white alcohol in his beer glass - he was very chuffed that he got to drink from a beer glass.

Friday, 9 July 2010

3 years and a day

That's how long I have been blogging for y' all. Loads of wonderful memories collected here. I hope you continue to enjoy the journey however near or far.

The beautiful blooms of Issigeac

Taken on Michel & Marite's terrace

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

La poterie

Of course, not a day has gone by without the children spending hours with Michel and Marite - and now Mamie Suzanne (Marite's 88 year old mum) who watches loads of game shows and most of the World Cup.

Sophie is starting to make things with odd bits of clay. Her first official piece will be a pendant with an "S" to give from SSSS Sophie to SSSS Suzanne. You can see how chuffed and yet serious she is at being able to paint her item at Marite's workstation.

Sebastian meanwhile is honing his skills at pottery and still doing the odd bit of translation/English tour guide. He has made a name plate for his sister. His new money-making scheme - given that he has realised/accepted that being over age 4 and non-musical will not lead to a brilliant busking career - is to make clay baskets in which are presented the best of Marite's necklaces. If they sell, he gets a 2 Euro cut of the profit! Plus, if he monitors the jewelry table on a market day, Marite gives him 1 Euro 60. Not as lucrative as his old busking days - but what do you know, that's just enough for 2 packs of World Cup stickers!

Sunday, 4 July 2010

What a warm welcome

When the family picked me up in Bordeaux a week ago Saturday, it was hot and the plane was late... So we opted to go and find some water to cool off. Unfortunately, our favourite play-in-it fountain wasn't functioning, so we had to splash in a drinking fountain instead. But it worked!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Happy belated Canada Day!

from chicken wings himself

I saw the Brussels/Geneva/Twassessen cousins!

I did see all of them, I swear. I even have their wafflemaker to prove it.

Doesn't Annabel look sweet in her big cousin's polka-dot dress!

Getting ready for the summer holidays

Here are some snaps from the last days in Toronto: Sebastian saying au revoir to his teacher and classmates. Sophie hugging her Carrie-sharer, our friends' daughter Emily (note she is clutching the Ghanian flag and wearing a gorgeous dress from Auntie Sarah). And one of Sebastian just being a happy lad.

Life is good

Life is good