Tuesday, 29 June 2010

La classe de 1erB de l`école PE Trudeau

Je vous présente la classe de Sébastien et ses projets. L`école est terminée pour l`été!!!!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

The first of our 2010 T.O. bounty

Our little veggie patch has yielded its first produce of 2010 - some radishes. This is the best of the bunch because they have been pretty tiny. Thus Sophie`s scepticism

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

A first!

This weekend Sebastian had his first ice cream cornet. Chapman`s now does peanut-free cornets - so start lobbying your `local`ice cream van to stock them.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Let me help you help me

I would LOVE to increase the to and fro, the traffic, the buzz on this site. Commenting isn't hard. Honest. You don't even have to say things that are true or nice (but it helps).

So here goes:
1. Click where it says Comments with a number in front of it (in bold italics below this post).

2. Don't be intimidated by the page that pops up ... it's easy.

a) type your comment in the box where it says "Leave a comment"
b) type the letters you see in the box marked "Word verification"
c) under "Choose an Identity," you can ignore the request for signing in with a Google ID. It's not necessary. Just click the circle button beside "Name/URL" and just type your name or even just initials in the name box (you can leave the URL box blank)
d) Click the big orange box marked "Publish Your Comment"

And that's it ... and the more you do it, the more we'll all know that others are coming to the blog too!

More cool events at Dufferin Grove

Yesterday was the Day of Delight at DG - the antidote to the bigger and fiercer Night of Dread. It was lovely weather and we went with Jack and John. There were some wonderful performers, but the boys really wanted to play footie and guess whatÉ They won the World Cup!

All 3 children ended up with snacks at the cafe and cooling off in the fountain before coming home for BBQ and more football.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

For Fathers` Day, I am giving you...

Two papier mache bobble heads - guess which one is M, which is Seb

and my cold!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Seb's attitude to summer

"The grubbier the better" he piped up as he climbed into the tub.

I think bathing was more about cooling off than cleaning off.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Ready or not - here I come!

Homeward-bound after 3 weeks on the road. Yippeeeee!

A new joint

Yippeee! We have found a new food stop just 2 blocks from school. We still love Telepizza and its kind staff but it is getting monotonous after almost 2 years of Tuesdays. So now we know we can drop in here for a fresh and allergen-free falafel. Seb can polish almost one whole one - and it's only $4. Sitting outside in the sunshine and watching people stroll by - what a great way to start the after-school stint.

A week in Muzaffarabad - or at least its fancy hotel

Greetings from one of the world's loveliest valleys.

The one-way bridge system - what fun!

5 years on, you can see where the earthquake found the weakness in the mighty mountain range.

Me and my co-trainer Linda in coordinated shalwar kameez and dupatta.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Beautiful butterflies

Here is what they are up to today at the Francofete!

Friday, 11 June 2010

World Cup fever - or not

I have to be in one of the only places on earth where World Cup fever has not raised the overall temperature by a single degree - let alone a raging heat. Television in Northern Pakistan shows cricket, more cricket and yet more cricket - with the odd 10 second clip of tennis.

Even in Doha, they were getting into the spirit!

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/soccer/pick-a-team-wear-the-colours-and-get-lost-for-a-month/article1599868/ Here's a good read.

On the home front, Sebastian has turned his attention from the finals of the national hockey league (where the team he swapped his allegiance to after the Habs' luck ran out - actually won; he chose them b/c back in January, a classmate had given him a few hockey cards of that team) to the World Cup. Not sure who he is rooting for - might well be Portugal because he is influenced by his older neighbours on such matters. That might prove a bit difficult once we get to France; but hey, they will likely have been knocked out by then. It will interesting to see who he gravitates to at that point.

Sophie is fickle and will cheer for anyone that has a good song and lots of flag-waving.

Whereas we two adults have a strategy (not sure it's good enough that M bet any money in our neighbour Julie's pool):
1 - Root for Ghana (M has the shirt);
2 - once they are knocked out, root for any remaining African team (the continent gave us so much and we love underdogs);
3 - if they get knocked out (I do live in hope every 4 years), then go with the team that plays an exciting game and has a squeaky clean reputation - no goons, no drugs, no WAGs and no rude coach; - this may not be France which may prove prickly with our Issigeac neighbours...
4 - But previous statement aside, just enjoy the virtually global comraderie of the game and the fans!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Kikoi girl

Sophie in Auntie Margaret's kikoi dress this weekend.

We are so lucky to have

uncles who help us see the world from fresh and unusual perspectives

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Me? I am doing well

A snap of moi in Doha, Qatar on Saturday. [Notice new "old silver" bracelet.]

It must be a party because...

Sebastian is wearing his natty velvet, braid and mirrors waistcoat.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

And its tremendous collection

The stunning Museum of Islamic Art

Old Sana'a beckoned

Here are some of the highlights of my daytime trip to Old Sana'a. The youngest participant in my training and her 16 year old chaperone brother took me through the souk and to the national/military history museum. I bought two lovely old silver bracelets, some peppercorns, and best of all - some coffee! Oh, and the camel was grinding sesame seeds for oil.

Life is good

Life is good