We had two happy munchkins bound into our room at a decent hour this morning. They then ran off to play together nicely for an hour. At which point, I got up to make the coffee and ensure that Sophie was dressed while M dove back under the covers - there's a role reversal!
We headed out to brunch with our lovely and soon-to-depart tenant Malika and her equally lovely partner, Andrew. They are docs and had been doing a stint in Malawi for 2 months. So they bought our kids a present...
Needing to burn off the calories of our yummy food, we decided to walk to a local 2ndhand bookshop stopping to enjoy playgrounds along the way. Running the jogging track was a particular hit with the kids. Seb did it 3 times - twice full-out and once at a jog, so that he could let his little sister win - with a gleeful grin on her face. What was so amazing to us was that it was his idea completely. And when we chatted about it afterward and he asked if he should tell her that he had been holding back, he understood that it would disappoint her.
5 books later, we strolled home along a very sunny, busy College St. Once home, we hung out the laundry and repacked our bag to head down to the water front. There Seb rode along on his bike (that is one ill-fitting helmet), while Sophie pushed the doll stroller until we reached the playground. Sebastian and his dad continued on for more exploration, while I lolled on a blanket and Soph enjoyed the swings and more.
Coming home was a bit more hairy. Soph was tired and got snippy before collapsing in bed in tears for a late nap. I was tired with my cold and was pretty much like Soph minus the tears. Seb got to do homework while his dad BBQed supper, and then watched our hockey team lose badly in the first game of the latest round of the playoffs. (We figure that this is the year for Seb to learn that sports loyalities are fun but it's only a game).
The house is a total mess. It's 10.15 p.m. and the laundry is still on the line. I have winter clothes strewn over my bed as I do the seasonal change-over. But all in all a lovely day.