Thursday, 7 January 2010

Gifts, glorious gifts

Blogging about gifts strikes me as unseemly. But we receive so many and it is a way to publicly thank people and reflect on how fortunate we are.

As most of you know, M&I have long celebrated the New Year as our annual feast and special day. That's becoming a bit more challenging now when 1- our kids don't naturally wake up early for any reason, 2 - we host a party for dozens of friends and neighbours in the afternoon, and 3 - we are the recipients of dozens of presents from generous friends and family around the world.

Here - for the record - is the latest bounty - for which we are most grateful and for which we have every intention of sending individual thank you cards...

Sophie in her Christmas present pjs trying on her new ski mitts.

Seb the global explorer

Seb in his new Christmas pjs opening Carrie's thoughtful gift of slides and a specimen case for his scientific endeavours. Remind me to post about the mouldy orange in his sock drawer!

When you have 3 kids - who swim, play the violin, go to school, etc - you have to stay organised. So here, Auntie Sarah shares one of her tips - label everything!

A new favourite from the Brighton cousins

Sophie plays with Sophie the ballet dancer with blonde bunchies. Who could resist that? Auntie Sarah was spot on again.

Sebastian organises the presents - one of his favourite parts of festive days.

Both of them checking out Hyperdash the ever so exciting game that Auntie Roberta sprung for.

This gift deserves video. Perhaps I will try again. It roars, it hoots, it twitters, it grunts. It is magnificent. Well-found, Auntie Dorothy.

Another shot of the New Year's pjs. Can I say "LOLA!!!!!" again?

And Seb with his.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Cute kids!! And cute pyjamas!

Life is good

Life is good