Friday, 6 November 2009

Saying hello to "6"

They bounce out of bed most mornings, but there was extra height to our Tigger today. An enthusiastic relative got the time zones wrong (we did switch this past weekend) but that didn't wake the munchkins. Nope, about 15 mins later, after we had settled back down, I hear a rustle and then a light going on, followed by a "Sophie" (in case I needed proof that when they share a bed, little sister doesn't get enough sleep).

His beloved glovitts.

Books that he will be reading to himself this time next year.

Sophie steals the show in her brother's new scarf

Sebastian continues to impress us with his math abilities, and will have lots of fun with a calculation game we discovered; he was transfixed by the picture book of Phillipe Petit's skywalking exploits in the Manhattan sky - what have I unleashed? (I am told that we saw him perform in Central park as new immigrants, so Sebastian has lots of questions for Grandma and Grandad next week); and he took the time to leaf through Quentin Blake's Tell Me a Picture, commenting as he went.

The downside was that we were late for school and so he didn't hear his name being announced over the loudspeakers. I am sure I will get an earful when I pick him up... however, it's a good lesson for a parent about what is really important to a 6 year old.

But loads more presents to open, a microscope to select, a party to attend (Jack's) and a party to be had! Am off to bake a two double-layered cakes for tomorrow.


wordswords said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe it's been so long since we've seen these kids.

just us said...

You can change that this December, Mr & Ms Words Words.

Life is good

Life is good